Thursday, February 9, 2012

a Countryside Escape

{photos by john dolan for country living}

Having been blessed with such a mild winter this year, I am all kinds of ready for spring. What I wouldn't give to have a laid back get-together like this one, hosted by Lynn Butler Beling, creator of The Product Gallery. Champagne chilling in a nearby creek for a simple Bellini bar, a game of horseshoe in between snacks, sparklers and lanterns lit at dusk, and sweet s'mores for dessert. Makes you want to kick your heels up and sigh, doesn't it?


Punctuation Mark said...

i'd love to host a party like this... very cool!

Patrice said...

Isn't it great? Minimal planning, maximum relaxation.

Nettan said...

I loove the pictures x

Becca said...

These are amazing- how fun! Party inspiration for sure!